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Aotearoa EdTech Excellence Whitepaper Official Release
Aotearoa EdTech Excellence: Transforming educational experience, digital innovation, and economic outcomes
The education technology sector is poised to become one of New Zealand’s iconic industries, according to EdTechNZ’s report Aotearoa EdTech Excellence: Transforming educational experience, digital innovation, and economic outcomes.
Worth $173.6 million in 2020, edtech software is poised to grow to $319.6 million by 2025
Join us to hear Dave Moskovitz, editor and project manager, and EdTechNZ council member, present a summary of the report findings.
Followed by an engaging panel discussion from industry experts, looking at the key learnings and what actions we might collectively embark on as a sector.
Supported by: Education New Zealand

Kendall Flutey
- Co Founder & CEO - Banqer
Kendall Flutey is the Co Founder and CEO of Banqer, financial education tech used by more than 270,000 Australasian students. Kendall has a background in accounting, having worked in big four private enterprise before retraining as a software developer. With Banqer at the crossroads of these two industries, Kendall enjoys the new challenge that comes with growing a mission driven impact business, where she can seek to make a difference in our communities

Kathryn MacCallum
- Associate Professor - Digital Education Futures
Kathryn MacCallum is an Associate Professor of Digital Education Futures within the School of Educational Studies and Leadership at the University of Canterbury (UC), NZ. She is also co-Director of the Digital Education Future’s Research Lab (DeFL). In 2019, Kathryn was recognised for her longstanding passion for integrating digital technology into her teaching and was awarded the Ako Aotearoa National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award. Kathryn has over the years established a strong research background focusing on the integration of digital tools into the curriculum both in pre K12, K12 and tertiary contexts. She has led and been involved in a number of research projects exploring the role of technology (and more recently AR and VR) to support learners. She has been involved in a number of research projects, both in New Zealand and Internationally, developing innovative approaches to the integration of technology within all sectors of education. Her current work explores the broad influence and roll out of digital skills and computational thinking across school in NZ and the impact this has on digital equity. Alongside extensive publications, Kathryn has also edited three books on the use of emerging practices in education. Kathryn also serves as Editor in Chief for the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), the Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE: Research) and the Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice (JITE:IIP). She is also current President of the International Association for Mobile Learning (IAmLearn) and is a board member of EdTechNZ

Derek Wenmoth
- Future Maker - FutureMakers.NZ
Derek is acknowledged as one of NZ education’s foremost future focused thinkers, He is regularly asked to consult with schools and government agencies regarding the future directions of educational policy and practice in New Zealand and internationally.
He has had a long-time interest in educational technologies, and spend a decade lecturing in this area at the Christchurch College of Education during the 1990s.
In 2003 he co-founded CORE Education, a not-for-profit professional development company focusing on building the capabilities of educators in using digital technologies (among other things). He stepped away from his role in that organization in 2018 and established FutureMakers.
Derek was one of the named authors of the very first ICT strategy for schools (1998) and contributed to subsequent versions. He is currently supporting the Ministry of Education in the development of a Digital Strategy for Education, and serves on the Australasian (Education) IT directors network.
In recognition of his work in education, Derek was designated one of 2008’s “Global Six” by the George Lucas Educational Foundation which recognizes individuals making a difference in education.
Derek maintains a blog on matters relating to e-learning and other aspects of interest to educators that can be found on the https://futuremakers.nz website.

Dave Moskovitz
- Professional Director - Think Tank
Dave Moskovitz is a professional director and early-stage investor, and takes an active role in a number of startups, with a focus on educational technology. He provides consultancy services around innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology for a variety of clients in the public and private sector, and works with a number of community initiatives. He serves on the boards of Amy.app, Chatterize, Metservice, Xerra Earth Observation Institute, and Catalyst Cloud, and also advises a number of early-stage companies. Dave is also a member of the EdTechNZ Council, and the Christchurch Call Advisory Network. Dave was a key contributor to the Aotearoa Edtech Excellece Report. Read more on his blog at dave.moskovitz.co.nz.

Sarah Cooke
- STEAM Educator
An educator with over 30 years teaching experience. Roles have included senior and middle management, curriculum leadership with inquiry and STEAM learning. Currently in a STEAM and Digital Technologies specialist role at Diocesan Junior School. Alumna of The Mindlab, Masters of Contemporary Education programme.

Duane Grace
- Tiaki