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EdTech Unconference 2019
What are your most critical issues and opportunities related to Education and Technology in New Zealand?
An unconference is a participant-driven conference where you choose how the day unfolds! When you sign up for the unconference, you will be asked to list your hot topics, and whether you would be prepared to do a short (eg 10 minute) presentation or lead a discussion on any of those topics. We’ll collate all of the topics, presenters, and discussion leaders, and build the agenda for the day.
The unconference itself will start with a brief orientation session, and then we’ll split up into streams based on topics of mutual interest. Each 45 minute session will be organised thematically and contain a number of topics that have been self-selected by participants. Sessions will end with a short period where participants can determine next steps for collaboration. There will be breaks for morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea. The event will conclude with a report-back from all of the sessions, along with action points and teams to work on them. The event will be followed by drinks and nibbles. This will all happen in a friendly, facilitated, and lightly structured environment.
Some of the topics might include: Games in education, flipped classrooms, online tutoring, microcredentials, transition from school into work, Artificial Intelligence in education, assessment, RoVE, the future of work and how formal education should prepare for that … the list goes on, but the agenda is really up to you.