NZ Inc exporter support – Sign-posting resources and useful information
Education New Zealand | Manapou ki te Ao
ENZ is New Zealand’s government agency for building international education. ENZ promotes New Zealand as a study destination and supports the delivery of education services offshore.
The New Zealand International Education- Strategy 2022 – 2030 has three overarching goals:
- Delivering an excellent education and student experience
- Ensuring international education is resilient and sustainable
- Developing global citizens.
ENZ works with all parts of New Zealand’s dynamic education sector, that includes six sectors: Schools, English Language Providers, Private Training Establishments (PTEs) Te Pūkenga, Universities and Education Products and Services (EPS) which includes EdTech companies and Education Publishers.
In the EPS subsector, ENZ works with Industry Associations EdTechNZ , to further advance EdTech exporters, and PANZ, to further advance export focused Education Publishers.
Useful ENZ resources and links
MaiENZ provides access to digital tools and services including:
- Brand Lab
- Intelli Lab
- Skills Lab
While many of the tools have an international student focus, ENZ offers resources that support studying with NZ
ENZ participates in a number of offshore education Events to support specific and general education subsectors. In addition to conferences, expos and commercial fairs ENZ supports education delegations both onshore and offshore. Please connect with ENZ’s ESP lead for further details.
ENZ also offers a number of outbound scholarships and grants to allow students, academics and other individuals and groups to conduct and or undertake learning offshore. These include: Prime Ministers Scholarships for Asia and Latin America.
Key contact at ENZ for EdTech Exporters
- Alana Pellow, Business Development Manager (EPS)
- Email:
- Mobile: 021 509 083

Engaging with NZTE
If you’re getting ready to export, growing your business internationally or looking to raise growth capital, NZTE is focused on adding value to your business.
You can also speak with one of our advisors about how we can help your business. Joining is free and simple. You just need to tell us a little about your business, so we can deliver information that’s relevant to you.
Get signed up to myNZTE and connected with an NZTE customer Advisor:
Join NZTE to grow your business overseas
Access market guides and tools:
myNZTE features a curated selection of up-to-date and in-depth content, including practical investment and export information, market guides, stories to inspire and inform, emerging trends and the latest research spanning a range of topics, markets and sectors.
Examples for Edtech companies include:
- Is Australia the right market for my Edtech product
- Building your Edtech Brand in the Australian Market
- Digital Compliance for SaaS and Online Businesses
- How to price and package SaaS products
Webinars and Events:
Explore events covering a range of topics that can help you to build capability and understand export opportunities.
Check out the upcoming events here: Expand your business horizons at NZTE events & workshops
Export Essentials Programme
A self directed programme that provides a best practice guide to selling your product internationally. This includes; Choosing export markets, Market Entry, Channels to market.
Access the Export Essentials Programme here.
InvestED Programme
A self directed learning programme to help you to understand the capital raising process and prepare a capital strategy. The programme covers: preparing your business, preparing your financials and pitching.
Access the InvestED programme here.
Manatū Aorere | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)
MFAT acts in the world to build a safer, more prosperous and more sustainable future for New Zealanders. MFAT works to negotiate trade agreements and provide tools to support exporters, including edutech providers, to navigate the international trading environment, maximise opportunities and overcome barriers.
You can access the following services and resources:
Free trade agreements
MFAT leads New Zealand’s free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations. FTAs open up market opportunities, streamline processes, reduce costs, and create more certainty and security for companies.
You can find the legal texts, explanations and supporting documents for New Zealand FTAs that are in force, concluded but not yet in force, or under negotiation on the MFAT website. Edutech providers may be particularly interested in the services, investment and digital trade or e-commerce chapters of New Zealand’s trade agreements. MFAT also provides information on how you can participate in public engagement regarding FTA negotiations. See Free trade agreements | New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (
There are also some specific tools available to help exporters understand how to use these FTAs. For example, the tariff finder is designed to help goods exporters and importers maximise benefits from New Zealand’s FTAs and compare tariffs in more than 140 other international markets. Goods exporters and importers can use it to check the tariff rate for over 164 World Trade Organization (WTO) members and observers. See Tariff Finder | New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (
In relation to services, there is a tool to help exporters navigate market access opportunities in the CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) by selecting a service, market and mode of business. See FTA Services Online Tool | MFAT FTA Services Application (
From time to time MFAT also commissions reports on developments in services, for example the 2021 Services Exporter Survey.
MFAT’s Exporter Helpdesk
MFAT provides a helpdesk to register issues you are experiencing when exporting to an overseas market, or ask questions. It is free to use and is directly linked to other NZ government agencies. Get in touch by emailing, calling 0800 824 605 or by visiting
Market intelligence reports
MFAT publishes around 10 market intelligence reports every month, written by its international network of embassies and consulates. You can view reports at , or sign up for email alerts when reports of interest to you are published.
To access the above services or for more information on how MFAT can help, visit or scan the QR code to the right: