AWS CloudUp for Hāpori Wāhine

AWS is excited to launch their FREE 4 week, flexible virtual style training program for women based in New Zealand!


Market Deep Dive: USA – Exploring the Landscape and Strategies for Success

AcademyEX AcademyEX, 99 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023

Join us at this insightful event to learn more about the US edtech market from our knowledgeable panel. Our experts hail from the US educational and edtech sectors, alongside representatives from the New Zealand edtech industry and Government. This will be an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and understand the nuances of the edtech market in the USA.

EdTechNZ Annual Meeting 2023

Join EdTech New Zealand (EdTechNZ) for our Annual Meeting being held at 12.00pm on 18th October 2023 via Zoom. Executive Director, Alison Mackie will share an update on the EdTechNZ’s strategy and plans for the coming year. The meeting will begin promptly at 12.00pm. Please note this is an EdTechNZ member only event. Zoom meeting details will … Continue reading "EdTechNZ Annual Meeting 2023"

EdTech Market Deep-Dive: Australia

Online , New Zealand

With an internationally recognised education sector, and significant government investments in digital adaptation, Australia’s EdTech market has experienced significant growth.


NZ’s vision for a global edtech impact

AWS, Wellington Level 21/157 Lambton Quay, Wellington Central, Wellington, New Zealand

This is your chance to attend an evening of insightful discussions, valuable connections, and a celebration of innovation in the local tech and EdTech sectors.

Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa Conference 2024

Takina Convention and Exhibition Centre 50 Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, New Zealand

From “Re-setting the education agenda” of last year’s conference to “Being the change we want for today and tomorrow” for this.